Advancement Academy Volleyball Club

A2 Boys July Clinics - Attacking Arm Swing and First Touch


A2 Boys Attacking Arm Swing and First Touch Clinics

Attacking Arm Swing 6-7 pm:

Learning what it means to have a healthy arm swing is one of the most important things a volleyball athlete can do for longevity. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an advanced player looking to generate more power or have more aggressive shots, this clinic is designed to break down the arm swing, based on the most current research and correct throwing mechanics, focusing on the draw, elbow transfer, and rotation of the body to generate maximum power, speed, and versatility as an attacker. Protect your shoulder and join us for this clinic you don’t want to miss! The clinic will be led by Lead Trainer, Emi Holsclaw.

First Touch 7-8 pm:

Learn the value of taking care of the first touch in game-like situations! The clinic includes taking care of free balls, digging, coverage, picking up the tip, off-blocker, etc. This clinic will be led by A2 Boys coaching staff; players will be grouped by skill level.






Salomon Gicherman

A2 Boys Club Director